Brazilian Breakfast: A Good Start to Your Day

Many people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Of course, such folks often hail from countries such as the United States, where a big meal was often eaten, especially in pre-Industrial Revolution times, by agriculture-heavy regions whose people performed the daily arduous chores of running farms and building and maintaining houses. That tradition continues, particularly in the Midwestern US, where bacon, eggs, pancakes, oatmeal and other heavy fare are still served, whether or not you are a farmer.

Acai Berry

acaiBerries are an excellent healthy supplement for your mind and your body. There are so many types of berries that are filled with antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals. However, the acai (pronounced: ah-sigh-ee) berry is one of the healthiest that you can add to your diet. This superfood boasts pulp that has a combination of all sorts of vitamins and antioxidants that have quite an array of incredible medicinal properties. The acai berry can be eaten on its own, or it can be enjoyed in smoothies, shakes, yogurts, or any number of delicious varieties. There are a number of ways this berry can fit into any meal, and with all its health benefits, you almost can’t afford not to include this healthy fruit in your diet.